Monday, July 25, 2011

"Droopy Eyelashes"?

Nobody wants droopy lashes. They want long, voluminous lashes. But not every girl is blessed with them. I most certainly am not. My eyelashes are pretty short actually. If you are dealing with "droopy lashes" then here are some tips I have found:

1. If you already have thick lashes then go for a more wet formula. But otherwise stay away from them. It weighs down your lashes making them even more droopy. It is like putting a heavy, wet hair product on thin hair. It just looks weighed down, greasy, and unattractive.

2. Use a heated eyelash curler. Think of it this way, if you were to curl your hair with a curling iron without the heat it definitely would not curl as well. I know I am talking about different kinds of hair but it is basically the same thing. People with awesome lashes might not even have to worry about using a heated eyelash curler because some lashes are just easier to curl and some aren't. I wish I could speak from personal experience but I don't curl my lashes all of the time but it is like when some of my friends it only takes them 10-15 minutes to curl their hair. But for me it takes a bit longer because I have harder to curl hair.

3. It can also help to curl your lashes in segments. So depending on your lash length, split up your lashes into 2 or 3 segments and curl your lashes. An example would be curling them at your root, then move to the middle of your lashes then the top of your lashes. But don't clamp down your eyelash curler to hard or too long or else it can leave dents in your lashes.

4. Another thing that may help that I sometimes use, is using a waterproof mascara. Most mascaras that aren't waterproof are water based. So it is like putting water on straight hair that is curled. It ruins the curl. But I know that most people curl their lashes and use regular mascara and they like the results. This is just all part of your personal preference.

I hope these tips helped! Don't be afraid to leave your own tips in the comments below!

Xoxo, Laurel

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