Thursday, August 4, 2011


I decided to change these Nail of the Days to Nail of the Weeks. Because it's not like I change my nails everyday. But I DO change my nails every week. This week I used one of MacBarbie07 or Bethany's nail tutorials. Lately I have been into color blocking but I thought tiger stripes would pull it together instead of just placing random colors on your nails. If you want to know how I did these nails, you can find the tutorial here.

Sorry this picture is blurry but this is the only picture that showed the true colors.
Would love to see if you guys try this out! Leave a picture down below if you do decide to try this out!

xoxo, Laurel

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekend Plans, Music, Kesha Concert

It is August. Already? But this hs actually been the month I have been waiting for! So hopefully this weekend I will get to go school clothes shopping with my dad so I can put up more of my back to school videos! And next weekend I am going to see my step grandma and grandpa. That sounds really weird and don't worry, I don't actually call them that. Then the weekend after that is when I am going to CANADA! Ahhhh I am SO excited I can't contain my excitement right now... And while I am there I will either make one big vlog of different clips or maybe if I can find a computer then I will put up separate ones (I don't have a laptop, just the iPad). Theeen the weekend after that is when I get to go and get my class schedule for school, buy my yearbook, take my picture, stuff like that. And then the week after THHAAAT I am going to a low budget concert (literally. The tickets were only $20!!) it is just a mix of different artists that aren't very popular but I am excited to see one of the bands called Awolnation. And if you go look it up you may be surprised to know I do like that kind of music (I guess you can call it Alternative music?) I actually like a variety of music. Alternative, Pop, Some Rock, Some Country, Some Rap, Some R&B, so I am not your average Kesha lover. Speaking of Kesha, I would say I am going to her concert the weekend after that. But unfortunately I am not. I have my own money and all but my mom doesn't really like Kesha and thinks she is Vulgar. Which I guess you could say that since the tour is called 'Get Sleazy' but I don't really pay attention to the meaning of a song, if I hear a song and I like it then... I like it. And I may be singing along to it whether it is about sleazy people or fireworks. Hahaha so unless I can find someone to take me to the Kesha concert then... I am out of luck..:(

So I guess I found something to take up all this space? Well it may not be that much but in this little text box it kinda seems like it... But at least I got a blog post up! Even if there is no one reading it, it always feels nice to just write whatever comes to mind.

xoxo, Laurel