Thursday, September 1, 2011


Sooo I haven't been doing blogs and its not that I don't want to but I just don't feel like it. I don't really know if anyone is actually reading these or not so what's the point sometimes? Whatever though.. Maybe I should just focus on my YouTube videos and then if people want me to start blogging again then I will... but that probably won't be awhile since I only have 50 subscribers.. Maybe when I get 1,000 subscribers they will want to see more of this stuff? I don't know but for now with school starting I am going to just work on videos for now. Maybe now and then do a blog but don't be expecting them... Unless people want them... Ahhh I don't know haha. Sooo for now... I'm just going to leave my blogging with "..."

xoxo, Laurel

1 comment:

  1. i read your blog! keep at it, if it's something you enjoy X
